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Horror Rock Classics Bat-Shaped LP photo

Horror Rock Classics Bat-Shaped LP

Category: MoviesDate: 1983
Type: RecordCondition: Near mint
Maker: Rhino RecordsPackaging: none
Very unusual 33 1/3 rpm record cut into the shape of a bat. The record has only two songs on each side (in the center area). Side One features the "Twilight Zone" theme and a bizarre song entitled "Cemetary Girls" based on an episode from a classic TZ. Side two features "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett and the theme from "The Blob" written by Burt Bacharach of all people! The top right corner of the record "cover" has been cut (yep, it's a cut-out). The "cover" is a clear plastic vinyl envelope that has a flap which is opened to remove the record. A cardboard inner liner keeps the record flat.
Price: $30.00

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